Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

BILD shows American Express credit card / Unsplash / American Express acceptance

Who accepts AMEX cards? (Image:, unsplash)

Who a American Express (Amex) card in Germany, the question often arises: Where can I pay for it – and where not? Because while Visa and Mastercard are now being accepted almost everywhere, there is still AMEX Gaps in acceptance.

However, a lot has happened in recent years: More and more dealers and online shops are taking American Expressand especially in the area Food, retail and travel the acceptance is now high.

Nevertheless, there are still shops – especially smaller dealers – avoid the Amex for cost reasons.

What is the acceptance of American Express in Germany?

The General acceptance rate For Amex is currently 72 % all dealers who at all Credit cards accept.

That is a clear climb from 18 % since 2020.

In the Online trade Is the acceptance with 85 % Even higher – many large shops have now integrated Amex. Especially where high shopping baskets are common (e.g. electronics, fashion, furniture), the AMEX fee can be compensated for.

In large cities (Berlin, Munich, Hamburg), the acceptance rate is 78 %, in rural regions only 63 %. This is mainly due to the fact that smaller retailers often do not want to afford the higher fees.

American Express acceptance in Germany 2025
General acceptance 72 % of all dealers with credit card acceptance accept Amex (since 2020 +18 %)
Online acceptance 85 % of online retailers accept Amex, often via PayPal or Amazon Pay
Regional acceptance 78 % in major cities (Berlin, Munich, Hamburg) vs. 63 % in rural regions
Supermarket & discounter Accepted: Aldi, Lidl, Rewe, Edeka, Kaufland, Penny, Netto (branch -dependent exceptions)
Retail & fashion Accepted: MediaMarkt, Saturn, H&M, Zara, Breuninger, Hornbach, Obi
Petrol stations Accepted: Aral, Shell, total energy, Esso, Avia
Restaurants & gastronomy Accepted: Starbucks, Vapiano, L’Osteria, McDonald’s (75 % acceptance in large chains)
Hotels & travel Accepted: Hilton, Marriott, Accor, Sixt, Europcar, Lufthansa, Eurowings
Dealer fees 1.5–3.0 % per transaction (depending on dealer size & industry)
Fees for SMEs Reduced 1.5 % fees for dealers with <250,000 € annual sales
EU regulation (2024) Dealers may request up to 2 % fee for AMEX payments (only 15 % use this option)
Mobile Payment Supports: Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal integration for indirect acceptance
Technical solutions Izettle, Sumup: Automatic acceptance without a separate amex contract (2.75 % fee)
International acceptance USA: 99 %, UK: 92 %, France: 78 %, Switzerland: 68 %, Germany: 72 % (8th place in the EU)
challenges Only 28 % of small dealers accept AMEX, technical problems in 12 % of dealers, 67 % of customers do not know that retailers are allowed to pass on fees

Where can you pay with American Express in Germany?

The acceptance is industrial – Some areas are practical Completely covered with Amexwhile others still have gaps.

Super markets & discounters (very high acceptance: 95–100 %)

  • Aldi Nord & Aldi Süd
  • Lidl
  • Rewe
  • Edeka
  • Kaufland
  • Netto, Penny (exceptions in franchise branches possible)

In short: Food purchases are no longer a problem with Amex.

Retail (good acceptance: 75–90 %)

  • electronics: MediaMarkt, Saturn
  • Fashion & clothing: Zara, H&M, Breuninger
  • Hardware store: OBI, Hornbach, Bauhaus
  • Petrol stations: Aral, shell, esso

Here it can be Smaller fashion boutiques or special transactions There are still exceptions, but large chains are now almost continuously equipped with Amex.

Gastronomy (partly problematic: 42–75 %)

  • Chain: McDonald’s, Starbucks, Vapiano, L’Osteria
  • Many small restaurants & cafés continue to reject Amex

Especially with Independent restaurants and cafés Is the acceptance still a problem – often for fear of high fees. Many set one here Minimum sales limit (e.g. from 15 €).

Travel industry (excellent acceptance: 95–100 %)

  • Hotels: Hilton, Marriott, Accor
  • Rental car: Sixt, Europcar
  • Airlines: Lufthansa, Eurowings

In the There are hardly any restrictions left – Here is American Express fully established.

Why don’t all dealers accept American Express?

The biggest hurdle for many small dealers are they high feesthat demands Amex compared to Visa and Mastercard.

Payment method Average dealer fee
Girocard (EC card) 0.25–0.6 %
Visa / Mastercard 0.8–1.5 %
American Express 1.5–3.0 %

Especially for small company Is that a Crucial cost factor. While large chains are easier to calculate the higher fees into their prices, this is more difficult for smaller dealers.

Some Card payment providers such as Sumup or Izettle also require a flat rate 2.75 % fees for amex transactionswhich further restricts acceptance.

Legal framework: Can retailers deny amex payments?

Yes, dealers are not obliged to accept American Express.

Since 2024 may traders aloud EU ordinance but Request up to 2 % for AMEX payments.

However So far only 15 % of the dealers do thisespecially in the Tourism industry.

How can you pay with Amex if a dealer does not accept the card?

If a direct payment with Amex is not possible, there are some tricks to still pay with the card:

  • State the Amex via PayPal or Amazon Pay → works with approx. 60 % of online retailersotherwise do not accept the Amex.
  • Use digital wallets (e.g. Apple Pay, Google Pay) → 95 % of contactless AMEX payments run over it.
  • Search alternative dealers → About the AMEX app you can Find acceptance partners nearby.

International acceptance of American Express: How does Germany do in comparison?

Germany is in European comparison Only in midfield.

country Amex acceptance rate Special features
USA 99 % Accepted practically everywhere
UK 92 % Acceptance also with pharmacies
France 78 % High acceptance in boutiques
Germany 72 % Weaknesses in small shops
Switzerland 68 % Migros & Coop with special conditions

The There is the best acceptance in the USA – There is hardly a business there that Amex does not accept. Germany getbut is not yet at the level of Great Britain or France.

How can you improve the acceptance of Amex in Germany?

For Dealer There are now special programs to lower the fees:

  • Shop Small Initiative: American Express supports 12,000 local companies with reduced feesto promote acceptance.
  • Automatic amex integration in Sumup/Izettle terminals → dealers no longer have to conclude an extra contract.
  • Enlightenment about fees: Many consumers do not know that retailers can request an additional charge for AMEX payments.

Conclusion: How well is American Express usable in Germany?

The Acceptance of Amex has improved a lot in Germanybut there are still room.

  • Supermarkets, petrol stations, hotels, airlines and large retailers are no longer a problem.
  • Acceptance is very high online at 85 %.
  • Amex often does not take owner -managed shops, small restaurants and cafes – especially because of the fees.
  • AMEX makes 2 % foreign currency fee less attractive for missions abroad.

Who uses the right dealer and uses digital payment methods clevercan Amex in Germany very well use. But who often in small shops or outside the euro zone is on the way, one Additional credit card from Visa or Mastercard have with you.

Test reports on American Express:

By Michael Somers

Michael Somers is a finance expert and passionate writer dedicated to simplifying the world of money. With a wealth of knowledge and a flair for breaking down complex financial concepts, Michael crafts articles that help readers make informed decisions about their finances. From personal budgeting and investment strategies to navigating the stock market, understanding cryptocurrency, and planning for retirement, Michael covers all aspects of finance with clarity and precision. His work bridges the gap between technical expertise and everyday financial needs, making money management accessible to everyone. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a young professional starting your financial journey, or someone looking to improve their money habits, Michael’s articles provide valuable insights and actionable advice. Join him as he explores the trends, tools, and tips to help you achieve financial freedom and security.

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