Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Exploding rockets in the sky (Photo: Freepik, lifeforstock)

The rules for fireworks are not the same everywhere. (Photo: Freepik, lifeforstock)

The turn of the year and fireworks – for many people they simply belong together. Important to know: Firecrackers and rockets are only available in stores in Germany from December 28th to 31st. But who is allowed to buy what, when and where is shooting allowed and what is it like abroad? The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) has compiled answers to the most important questions.

Who is allowed to buy which firecrackers in Germany?

Private individuals can use fireworks purchase in 2 categories: F1 and F2. F1 items include sparklers or “small volcanoes” – 12 years Buyers must be at least old. F1 fireworks are trading all year round. F2 firecrackers, such as rockets or batteries, are more dangerous. The minimum age is 18 years. Sales are only permitted from December 28th to 31st.

Which fireworks are allowed in Germany?

Exclusively tested pyrotechnics Categories F1 and F2. Two features are important: This CE mark and the Registration number. If a firecracker is not approved, dealers are not allowed to sell it. In Germany, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing tests. All crackers registered there can be identified by the first 4 digits of the registration number: 0589.

When is it allowed to fire in Germany – and where?

This is precisely defined: only on 2 days a year – December 31st and January 1st – It is allowed to set off fireworks in Germany. Popping is also prohibited on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day near clinics, churches, gas stations, daycare centers and retirement homes. There are also local bans.

Can you also order fireworks online?

Buying firecrackers etc. online is permitted – if everything complies with the rules. Important to know: The shop is only allowed to deliver ordered fireworks items from December 28th to 30th. When purchasing on foreign platforms, there is a risk of receiving non-certified products.

How many fireworks can you take in the car?

That depends on the Danger class away. A maximum of 50 kilograms applies to fireworks in categories F1 and F2 with hazard class 1.4 – these are objects with a low risk of explosion. Maximum 5 kilograms Drivers are allowed to take away firecrackers in danger classes 1.1 to 1.3.

Is it allowed to bring fireworks into Germany?

Private individuals can import approved fireworks – categories F1 and F2 – into Germany. The bangers must comply with EU rules and have a CE mark and registration number. Some countries allow F2 firecrackers from the age of 16. You can only take them to Germany from the age of 18.

Further restriction: For certain pyrotechnics the user needs level F2 a special permission – for example for rockets with a net explosive mass of more than 20 grams. Private individuals are not allowed to bring such F2 items that require authorization in Germany from abroad.

New Year’s Eve in EU countries – are the firecracker rules the same everywhere?

No! Because there are many regional differences. In France and Belgium there is a complete ban on loud bangs in many places, even in Rome nothing is allowed. Only small fireworks at level F1 are permitted in Ireland. New Year’s Eve travelers should inform themselves in advance to avoid fines.