Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Businessman analyzes data on the computer and smartphone (Photo: freepik, sharperstop17) Stock markets worldwide: The big comparison - the best ETF bargains

Opportunities in Europe and emerging markets (Photo: freepik, sharperstop17)

The valuations on the global stock markets could hardly be more different: While the USA and India are considered high-flyers with their high prices, Brazil and Korea lure like undiscovered treasure chests with attractive entry opportunities. A recent analysis of Taunus Trust reveals where investors can find the best return potential – and what stumbling blocks need to be avoided.

The discrepancy on the stock exchanges: expensive vs. cheap

The global stock markets are in a very heterogeneous state. Like an overheated cauldron, the USA stands out from the global stock market with its extremely high valuations. The Shiller CAPE, a cyclically adjusted Price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio)is currently 35.4, around twice as high as the historical average.

Another indication of overvaluation is the price-to-book ratio (P/B), which is 5.1. India is also one of the most highly valued markets in the world, which should caution investors.

In contrast, countries such as Brazil, Korea and China are characterized by comparatively favorable valuations. In these markets, Shiller CAPE values ​​are between 9 and 12 and P/B ratios are between 0.9 and 1.4. According to Norbert Keimling, capital market expert at Taunus Trust, historical analyzes show that such attractive valuation levels are often followed by real returns of 9 to 11 percent per year – over a period of 10 to 15 years.
Global Stock Market Valuation Chart (Source: Taunus Trust)

Source: Taunus Trust

Cluster risk in global ETFs

A closer look at the composition of many global ETFs such as MSCI World reveals a dangerous trap: more than 70 percent of the index consists of US stocks. This dominance is reminiscent of a shaky house of cards – impressively tall but vulnerable to shaking.

For investors seeking global diversification, this poses a significant concentration risk. Given the high valuation of the US market, Taunus Trust predicts low long-term returns – only 0.1 percent annual growth is expected based on historical data.

Opportunities in Europe and emerging markets

In comparison, Europe and the emerging markets offer attractive alternatives. German stocks are currently trading around 20 percent below their long-term average, with a Shiller CAPE of 17 and a P/B ratio of 1.7. The long-term return expectation is around 7.2 percent per year. This results in potentially impressive values ​​for the DAX: According to Keimling, the index could rise to 50,000 to 88,000 points by 2038.

There are further lucrative opportunities for investors in the emerging markets, particularly in China, Korea, Singapore and Brazil. With currently favorable valuations and promising long-term growth opportunities, real annual returns of up to 10 percent are possible.
Long-term stock market potential based on CAPE and PB (Source: Taunus Trust)

Source: Taunus Trust

Sector adjusted perspective

In order to avoid distortions caused by different industry structures, Taunus Trust uses sector-adjusted valuation metrics. Although this approach puts the attractiveness of individual markets such as Brazil into perspective, it does not change the fundamental statements. Despite these adjustments, the emerging markets and Europe remain the regions with the best return prospects in a global comparison.

Cheap markets in focus: ETF ideas for bargain hunters

ETF name region WKN Fee pa Development 1 year Development 3 years Development 5 years
Invesco FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets Emerging markets A0M2K 0.49% +20.24% +14.16% +22.22%
Vanguard Germany All Cap Germany A2JF6S 0.10% +18.80% +16.83% +33.84%
Franklin FTSE Brazil Brazil A2PB5U 0.19% -20.94% +22.60% -21.87%
Amundi MSCI Korea Korea LYX016 0.45% -5.59% -19.95% -1.21%
iShares Core FTSE 100 Great Britain 552752 0.10% +14.84% +23.23% +31.49%
Xtrackers CSI 300 Swap China DBX0M2 0.50% +23.53% -16.38% +17.52%
Xtrackers MSCI Singapore Singapore DBX0KG 0.51% +37.01% +29.23% +23.41%
SPDR MSCI EM Asia EM Asia A1JJTG 0.55% +20.36% +0.79% +16.96%
Xtrackers MSCI World ex-USA Global ex USA DBX0VH 0.15% n/a n/a n/a

Source: FWW / Data as of January 14, 2025

Conclusion: Diversification is key

The current valuation differences on the stock markets are like an urgent warning: Anyone who bases their assets on just one pillar can easily stumble. A broad diversification, on the other hand, offers stability and opens up opportunities to achieve attractive returns even off the beaten track.

Anyone who only relies on the USA risks disappointment in the long term, as the high valuations are already likely to weigh on future returns. Significantly more attractive opportunities exist in Europe, Japan and the emerging markets. With a well-thought-out allocation, investors can not only minimize risks, but also achieve above-average returns.

Not investment advice. No call to buy or sell securities.

By Michael Somers

Michael Somers is a finance expert and passionate writer dedicated to simplifying the world of money. With a wealth of knowledge and a flair for breaking down complex financial concepts, Michael crafts articles that help readers make informed decisions about their finances. From personal budgeting and investment strategies to navigating the stock market, understanding cryptocurrency, and planning for retirement, Michael covers all aspects of finance with clarity and precision. His work bridges the gap between technical expertise and everyday financial needs, making money management accessible to everyone. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a young professional starting your financial journey, or someone looking to improve their money habits, Michael’s articles provide valuable insights and actionable advice. Join him as he explores the trends, tools, and tips to help you achieve financial freedom and security.